He is the founder of RealToonTV, and one of the most influential independent media personalities in Texas. His YouTube platform has garnered over 71,000,000 cumulative views and 275,000 subscribers & along with having an additional 150,000 followers across other social media platforms. He has helped to introduce world renown influencers to the media space. His platform has featured Texas Legends like Z-Ro, That Mexican OT, Trae The Truth, SUC Mike D.
During his matriculation through college, he served as the State President of the Texas Youth & College Division of the NAACP, Founder of the SFA National Association of Journalism Chapter, President of the Young Democrats. Graduating with a degree in Sociology, he now uses his ethnographic knowledge to document & cultivate the hip-hop space across the country with intentions of reducing recidivism and remedying the ills that lead to life in a permanent caste system known as the prison industrial complex.
- School of Communication: The history of TSU’s Premier Program - July 30, 2023